Just the thoughts of a girl talking to her God....

Saturday, July 14, 2012

"I love you, Teacher"

Children are a wonderful gift. I always learn something when I am around a child. Every time my Children disobey I think about my relationship with God. When I first started teaching English in Korea, about a year ago, I had one little boy that was just a very hard child. He was three. He did not like school. He did not like English. It was my constant frustration. He spit in my face, hit me a couple of times, pinch me and anything else to make it quite clear he did not like me or anything related to what I did. I gained much patients from this little boy. I was reminded on the day that the little boy spit in my face that while on the cross Jesus was spit on. Matthew 26:67 "Then they spit in his face and struck him. And some slapped him," I too "spit" in Jesus' face, and I argue with him almost everyday; yet God loves me unconditionally. The Happy ending of this story is that the little boy and I eventually became friends, No better then friends... We are buddies. now he is one of the sweetest little boys. My co-teacher and I were patient with him and we won him over to the "sweet side." About 6 months later that same little boy would press his little face next to the window and wait for me to get to work before he would go play with his friends. He could not speak much English but He learned "I love you, Teacher!" and would tell me over and over. I also learn about God when my kids do sweet things, like Today. Today, I went out to eat with some of my kids from school and their parents. I teach 7 year olds English. Some of my Children gave me love letters! One little boy gave me a present of perfume. :) It was a hard year in Korea but it was all worth it when that same little boy reached up and held my hand and say "I love you teacher!!" As much as this sweet story made me feel un speakable joy. What also God must feel when we reach out to Him and say here is my hand hold it just because “I love you!”

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