That statement just makes me smile. Humans are created with a love language. There is a way that we best except love and a way we best give it. So the 5 love languages are: quality time, gifts, words of affirmation, acts of service, touch. Do you know what your love language is? How do you best give love to someone else? How do you best receive it?
Within the past couple of weeks I have realized that God knows our love languages. He tells us He loves us through them. Sometimes it is other people that God use to tell us that He loves us but if we listen HE uses his own voice to express the pure joy He finds in us.
I LOVE getting flowers!!! I remember one Valentine’s Day my dad sent flowers to all the girls, my mom and two sisters and I, in his house hold. I was so excited. So during this past week God remember the pure joy that I get from getting flowers. This past week I was having a really rotten week. There were many things that I could not physical control that were very hard and on top of that I was sick. Almost every day that week I would find the most beautiful flowers right outside my back door. They would be laying on the ground to obvious for me not to notice. I would always find them when I would return from a really hard day and there they were waiting for me. The collections of flowers were my favorites. One day I found roses, another day this brilliant red flower. The list goes on and on of the unique and beautiful creations I would find outside my door. Each day I got something different each day something stunning. The cool thing was that they were not just flowers that had fallen of the tree in the area. NO, they were flowers I had never even seen in the general area. Every time that would happen. I would say to my roommate GOD is sending me flowers.
My love languages, that I best receive love in, are: physical touch and quality time. In my little mind a God who is never seen and not someone we can physically touch should have a problem expressing love to me in my love languages but it is so amazing because HE always find a way to express it to me. At times I will be doing every day things like riding on the bus, or eating dinner and I can feel my father in heaven stoke my hair. The first couple of times that this happened I thought it was someone behind me so I would turn around to see who it was but no one would be there. Abba has a very gentle, very soft touch; I am starting to realize when it is HIM.
There is one way that He tells me He loves me that sends shivers up and down my spine. That is when He uses His voice, audibly. Have you ever heard that? I am sitting there again just doing every day activities and He comes and says, “I am pleased with you”; “I hear you when you speak to Me.”; “KIMELA, I love you.” It makes my soul want to sing. My body just wants to jump up and dance.
The KING of the universe loves me. He is not some heavenly being that made me and forgot me. He takes pleasure in me and finds way to express His love to me!
Song of Solomon 2:4
“He has taken me to the banquet hall,and his banner over me is love.”
Zephaniah 3:17 “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."
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